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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Comparative Analyses of Parallel Paper, Phone, and Web Surveys With and Without Incentives: What Differences Do Incentive and Mode Makes?
Year 2005
Access date 28.04.2005

This study investigates the impacts of survey mode and incentives used by institutional researchers in higher education as they conduct research. Findings from parallel paper, phone, and web administrations of a student advisement survey will be presented with a view toward the following research questions: 1) Do the modes yield comparable results? 2) How do the modes compare on logistical matters such as turnaround time, cost, efficiency, and response rates? 3) What impact do incentives have on response rates? One common issue that nearly all institutional researchers in higher education and that researchers across the country face is determining the most effective means whereby they can acquire needed data. In a higher education setting the portfolio of these means may vary from campus to campus. Numerous ways to gather data exist. Many use traditional paper and pencil surveys, some use phone surveys, and more and more are utilizing web technologies to survey their campus populations. This study will facilitate a number of purposes. From a content standpoint the data collected will inform the university as to student attitudes and experiences concerning both academic and career advising. Using these data the university advising council will make modifications as needed in order to create a university instrument to be administered annually. Methodologically, this study will help answer a number of critical research questions: 1) Do the modes yield comparable results? 2) How do survey modes compare on logistical matters such as turnaround time, cost, efficiency, and response rates? 3) What impact do incentives have? 4) Do multiple invitations for a web survey help or hinder the process? Essentially the methodological dimensions of this study are intended to provide insight into the tradeoffs between paper, phone, and web surveys as administered in a homogeneous campus environment.

Access/Direct link Conference program
Year of publication2005
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
